​​Bear Heart School 

​​Where Education Meets Intuition

Online Catalog Vol 18, jAN 2025

420 S. Howes, A-201  Fort Collins, CO 80521

​​​​LAST CHANCE, Massage Licensing is changing!!
July 1, 2024 the hours for licensure will increase from 500 to 650. 
Enroll before July 1, 2024 and graduate before Oct 1, 2025 and still get in under the current 500 hour requirement. 

​2024 Massage Intensive June - Sept 2024

Friday and Saturdays plus a  clinic day
This is the last class to get in under the 500 hour requirement.
Pricing and time commitments will increase in 2025.

NOW Accepting Applications for January 2025 Massage and Esthetics​
Massage Program  Jan 2025    Day/Evening /Weekend Schedule Forming
     8-10  hours of class per week, plus clinic times 
     Hybrid distance lessons can start as soon as enrolled
     In person classes start in Feb 2025
     Program completed in 6-8 months 

Approved and Regulated  by the Division of Private Occupational Schools

Colorado Department of Higher Education

General Massage Schedule

30 weeks

2 days/nights of class 1 day/night of clinic. Saturdays.

Approximately 15-20 hours of study each week. 

Hybrid distant lessons can start as early.


Exclusively at Bear Heart School  

Holistic Structural Release
“Holistic Structural Release blends a series of light and deep bodywork techniques, and holistic release techniques to address a variety of soft tissue restrictions. HSR uses a precise sequence for maximum benefit and longer lasting hold. HSR facilitates and supports awareness, transformation, growth, and expansion in a substantial way.  It is a holistic bodywork system that includes releasing stress from the body, organ referral, movement education to create and support an opening for change, healthy lifestyle consulting, supportive body-mind release, holistic bodywork, and energetic interventions to create balance and tap the infinite possibilities of health for the individual.”

                  ~ Sheryl Daniel, HSR Designer, Bear Heart Owner, Therapist for 28 years

                 Massage Therapy Program ~ 550 Hours*

*Hours  and costs changing July 1, 2024 to 650 minimum for MT

The massage and manual therapy program is a hybrid program that maximizes time spent with a teacher in class by having students complete some of the introductory and foundational theory on their own before coming to class. This is not an online program. It is for mature students who can manage their time and be prepared for class. If you have a strong desire to work with clients who deal with the challenging issues of chronic pain, tension and injury as well as the relaxing, health enhancing benefits of bodywork then this is for you! An emotional maturity is required of therapeutic students that will allow therapists to relate to a broader client base rather than only relaxation and stress reduction aspects of massage therapy. When clients see the massage and manual therapist as a valuable part of their wellness program they stay even when money is tight, like in today's economy. It is deeply satisfying work and very rewarding to have a lifelong impact on the joy of daily living for your clients.  Bear Heart School teaches Sheryl’s unique way of blending relaxation and holistic, therapeutic techniques that really make a difference on an ongoing basis for regular clients.  Reaching beyond the basics, the massage and manual therapy program includes the Holistic Structural Release series for long lasting change for clients and greater marketability for the therapist. The exposure to a wide variety of techniques in more than just an introductory format makes this program very competitive for today’s massage therapists and bodyworkers. Subjects covered will include basic relaxation massage, advanced techniques in manual and clinical therapies, introduction to the holistic healing paradigm, holistic nutrition, aromatherapy, remedies for self care, the mind-body connection, advanced soft tissue release protocols and techniques,  how to create a business and how to get hired to ensure success, and therapeutic relationship and ethics. This program is an effective combination of hands-on techniques, science, advanced therapeutic methodology, and business success.

During the program term, students will complete 200 hours of hands on learning and practice on nonpaying & paying clients in a clinical setting, as well as working on and receiving from one another and instructors, invited professional massage and manual therapists, homework clients, and research projects. Our goal with practical hours is to give students an opportunity to work in real treatment session situations with the support of instructors to guide them in their perfection of the skills it takes to be an effective massage and manual therapist. There is an option of choosing to do some of their practicum hours in a working clinic or spa that the school has an internship relationship with.  For students not interested in the internship or being an employee, they may complete their practicum hours as describe above in a more traditional format. Bear Heart has relationships with medical spas, massage clinics, PT offices, and small office practices. We are constantly looking for interesting internship opportunities for students that meet their practicum requirements, as well as match their professional interests. Although no employment is implied or guaranteed, businesses are always on the lookout for great therapists and are excited to interview all acceptable candidates from Bear Heart.

This program will provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary t: achieve excellence in the field of massage and manual therapy, seek Colorado state licensure for massage, secure advanced level employment as a wellness or clinical massage and manual therapist, and be able to create a successful private practice in massage and manual therapy.

Essential Massage Program Cost:  *$7,950.
    Registration Fee and Deposit  (non refundable)                         $650.
    Supplies (* subject to change, non refundable)                            $1000.
    Clinic & Lab Fees  (non refundable)                                                     $1000.
    Tuition                                                                                                                   $5,300.

Interest Free Payment Plan for the Duration of Your Program

Extended payments with a nominal fee.
Only $500 down to start!

Program Subjects 
Massage Therapy: Wellness/Relaxation Massage, Prenatal Massage, and Chair Massage
Manual Therapy-Holistic Structural Release Series: Trigger Point Therapy, Myofascial, Neuromuscular, Positional Release, Cranial, MET  & PNF, Cupping, Gua Sha, Postural Analysis & Therapeutic Movement
Complimentary Modalities may include: Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Bodywork: Acupressure & Shiatsu, Reflexology, Hot Stone Massage, Lymphatic Massage, Herbal applications for the body, and more
Psychophysiology of the Mind-Body Connection 
Holistic Healing: Nutrition, Herbs, & Aromatherapy for stress and pain relief
Business Creating a Thriving Career 
Anatomy, Physiology, Kinesiology, & Pathology            
Practical Hours, Optional Internship Opportunities and Research Projects

​​​Professional Massage Therapy Schools in Fort Collins, CO