​​Bear Heart School 

​​Where Education Meets Intuition

Online Catalog Vol 18, jAN 2025

420 S. Howes, A-201  Fort Collins, CO 80521

Attestation: By submitting this application, I hereby attest that all the information I have included in this application is true and complete and that I authorize Bear Heart administrators to investigate any or all of the statements made by me in this document and give permission for this information to be disclosed to Bear Heart for the purposes of this application. I also understand that making any false statements is grounds for my disqualification from consideration for enrollment in any program at Bear Heart now and in the future or for immediate dismissal from the program if it has already commenced. I further authorize Bear Heart School and its administrator’s permission to share information on my performance and grades to the person who is financially responsible for my tuition other parties related to my ability to pay and or in the collection of debt including all my attorneys. I understand that I will have class and clinic approximately 10-20 hours per week and approximately 5-10 hours of homework per week. I understand attendance is mandatory and only emergencies and illness, should keep me from class. I understand and consent to the 2-4 times we will have mandatory community outreach as a group as part of our coursework, it may not be during school time, and I am expected to attend, take time off of work, and/or secure childcare so that I am able to attend. I certify that I am able to physically able to perform the basic tasks necessary to complete the program of study. I grant permission to instructors, supervisors, and fellow students to call emergency services on my behalf in the event of a medical emergency and hold free from harm or obligation Bear Heart School or individuals of any issues or costs for those services. I declare that I have sufficient computer skills to access online textbooks, quizzes, Google platform services such as calendar, meet, classroom and access to computer and printer. I also understand many assignments using digital means will not be able to be accomplished on a pad or phone.   I understand that Bear Heart can offer no financial aid except for the no interest payment plans with conditions and possible Workforce grants. Bear Heart is not accredited to accept federal title IV funding as grants and loans or VA assistance at this time. Bear Heart School is an approved education site for Workforce funding in most counties in Colorado. I understand Bear Heart is a state approved school for the programs listed and completion of the program and the state approved application process is how I achieve licensure to legally perform the duties for which I am seeking training.


                                                Application for Admission  -  Bear Heart School 
Thank you for applying to Bear Heart School of Massage. This application is part of the process that helps us determine if Bear Heart is a good fit for you. Your previous academic performance, references, life and work experiences and answers to all the questions are of great importance in the admissions process. Your application helps us to determine the level of preparation, maturity, motivation and mindfulness that you will bring to your academic experience at Bear Heart.

All information must be completely filled out before your application will be processed. After I review your application we can schedule a visit and your interview. I look forward to meeting you and exploring your next steps.

Sheryl Daniel BA, LMT, NMT, BMT, HNC   
Owner, Instructor, and Executive Director